Valley Christian HS Conservatory 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111
Past event:
Join us for Snack at with a Scientist at Willard Elementary School
Typical Event Schedule: Introduction STEM Careers Science & Math Career Link #1 Activity Career Link #2 Activity Activity Connection to STEM Guest Speaker Prizes and Awards At each STEM Gals presentations or event, our team presents about the STEM Gals program, who we are, and the activities for the current session. At the entrance of the presentation area, participants are given stickers in order to differentiate among groups. Additionally, Each participant will be given a packet with the event’s timeline, schedule, and instructions for each activity and explanation. Each activity performed was STEM-related and linked to a specific STEM career; which take roughly thirty minutes each. Participants will rotate activity stations over the course of the day, and program attendees are allowed to take home their STEM creations. At the end of the day, students are asked to take a short survey.
Middle school & High school student curriculum below